Order Form

(please print this form from your browser and fill in appropriate information)

Enclose a check or money order including shipping charges, or send an organization purchase order. We also accept Visa and Mastercard by phone. Massachusetts residents add 5% sales tax. Make checks payable and mail this form to:

Cambridge Documentary Films, Inc.
3099 Hidden Valley Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Tel 617.484.3993

A non-profit organization





check box DVD (purchase only)



check box Purchase
check box PAL (25% price increase)

* Fields Required for Fulfillment of Order
Please include Name, Department and Organization or Institution
*USER NAME (Very Important to Us) ________________________________________________
*USER DEPARTMENT __________________________________________
*ORGANIZATION ______________________________________________
*Ship to:
Bill to: (if different form Ship to)
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*E-Mail of Orderer
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*Sales Agreement
We agree that this rental or sale is for educational non-theatrical use only. We further understand that this film or video is protected by U.S. copyright code and under no circumstances may it be duplicated, reproduced (by vtr or any other means), televised, put on the internet, or transmitted in whole or in part.
*Signature ______________________________________________